If you have experience working with Electron applications, you may be familiar with Redux as a state management tool. Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications that manages a single source of truth for the entire application state. In this post, we will explore how the Redux architecture can be implemented in an Electron application.
If you're looking for a tool that can help you convert your TypeScript interfaces and types to JSON, you're in luck! Introducing Types2Json, the online tool that makes it easy to transform your TypeScript code into the popular JSON format.
Podemos generar mocks para consumir si estamos desarrollando alguna aplicación web solo con tener las interfaces de Typescript, la respuesta corta es si claro que si.
We want to get a 3 column gridlayout inside a `SectionList` in React Native, unfortunately we don't have the `numColumns` property natively available like in the `Flatlist`.
I have seen many time people doing post about mansory layout, but always without dynamic sizes, this is how I did in the past my own mansory layout. I'm going to use React and Styled components, but you can create all this only with Javascript.
This happends for many reasons but one very common is when you're creating UI components library or packages for npm which was my case.
Algún tiempo atrás hice una WebApp totalmente educativa para mi, la cual termino divirtiendo a varios de mis colegas desarrolladores, porque parte de la web tiene una sección llamada Battle, en la cual colocando 2 nombres de usuario de Github daba como resultado un ganador perdedor o empate, lo divertido de esto es en el algoritmo en que se basa mi WebApp en determinar un ganador.